Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This Sunday Justin and I made the trip up to Charlotte for the Macaframa premiere. Charlotte is a super easy city to ride in, the traffic is slow and most of the cross streets are one way. Columbia is super sketchy in comparison. I don't have any pictures from the premiere because my camera has no flash but the movie was sick, and it was a real good event with hot dogs and lots of bikes.
Noda velo did a great job of putting it on, and we had a nice little jam with some charlotte riders afterwards.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

small edit of Justin and I riding in Lexington.

filmed and edited by Ben Cantrell.

more to come eventually!


I made the picture too big, but it's five bucks.
Me and Justin are going up there for the day, you should too!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


organize rides, races, meetups. send me something if you want it posted. natepuza@gmail.com